I started this project out with the idea of an incense holder in mind. For this week’s project of combining materials, I chose to use a mix of woods (walnut and purple heart) along with brass and cork. I first went through my existing pieces of scrap from my wedges project and found a pyramid-like shape cut that seemed to go along nicely for this concept.
I went to a hardware supply store and found 1/8” brass tubing that would easily work for the concept of holding the incense at a desired angle and direction. The problem with my current incense holder is precisely that issue — misguided direction.
I considered just flattening the edge of the pyramid and having the brass tube come out of one side, but I had the Purple Heart wood just sitting there, asking to be used for something. So I took it to the miter saw and just cut a simple 3/4” piece, as the wood panel itself was 4” x 3/4” x 12”.
I assembled the pieces together using a brass wooden screw and used cork feet to cover the fastener. The only adhesive used in the project was the one included on the cork feet, and all other connections are hardware based. Steps of process are below.