For this week’s labs I successfully was able to create a kinetic switch with the following materials:
(1) Marble found on floor
Pieces of a box
Glue gun
Cooper conductive tape
(1) Breadboard
(1) DC Adapter
(1) Green LED
(1) Voltage Regulator
(1) 220 Ω Resistor
I drew some inspiration from a favorite game of mine that I played when I was a little kid - the ultimate marble drop maze contraption, where the marble drops down a created maze (by me the inventor) and I watched in amazement as the marble would fly though the design.
My thought was that with gravity and contact with conductive materials, that the LED would remain lit. I learned that this was accurate, but didn’t account for the speed affecting the contact and thus affecting the brightness of the LED. As the marble gained speed, the contact was not as strong so the LED flickered.