This week I worked with Marina Victoria Pascual & Danqi Qian on the DMX light project for this weeks project. We were assigned to tackle this in a group during the week ten class and decided to work on this for the project due for this week.
I built out a schedule for the scene to emphasize the the adjustments of the sun position, intensity, and CCT (Color Balance) of the spots. Marina attempted to get QLC+ in order but the programming of the system was bit tedious and difficult to create the sequencing. She posted a video of the sequence and a how-to video of how to build a sequence as the site documentation is a bit difficult to work with.
Since neither Marina nor myself had a compatible Arduino, Danqi attempted to program the scene for her Arduino, however her software kept crashing and we were not able to successfully test this out over the weekend. Maybe able to work through after a bit more trouble shooting.