For this Assignment the goals were to create an item controlled by the mouse, an item that changes over time, independent of the mouse, and a random item that is different every time the sketch is run.
In my search for clickable inspiration, I came across a string of code published by Jackie Zen that had a blue sky with clouds of random variance floating across the screen one the mouse was pressed. I pulled this code and changed the variance of size as well as used a random element to display different sized clouds that would move across the screen.
At the start of the sketch, once run, the background flashes a random background that displays a flash of random colors against white, which gives the appearance of movement in the sky and makes the appearance of the dragon moving across the screen.
background(random(255), 255, 255)
I decided to take the learned understanding of shapes and fill and re-create the dragon’s wings for a simple quad shape. I plan on making the wings move as well as having the fire move out in the near future.