This week we focused on reorganizing the code and creating / calling additional functions through the draw function. The code has been cleaned up quite a bit (examples below) and the fire now is called when the mouse hovers over the nose.
I will be aiming to create a for loop that will have the fire animated out as well as have the wings move in the next version.
var clouds = []; var dragonBreath = false; var dragonBreathPos = 0; var dragonBreathLngth = 30; var dragonWings = false; var dragonWingsPos = 0 function setup() { createCanvas(400, 600); colorMode(RGB, 255, 255, 255, 1); } function draw() { background(random(255), 255, 255); for (i = 0; i < clouds.length; i++) { var currentObj = clouds[i]; cloud(currentObj.xpos, currentObj.ypos, currentObj.size); currentObj.xpos += 0.5; currentObj.ypos += random(-0.5, 0.5); if (clouds[i].xpos > width + 20) { clouds.splice(i, 1); } } // tail(); rightWing(); leftWing(); body(); //edit this to be within draw loop if (dist(mouseX, mouseY, 170, 225) < 50) { print('mouseX'); showDragonBreath(); } } //Functions function showDragonBreath() { dragonBreath = true; // print(pmouseX + ' -> ' + mouseX); fire1(); fire2(); fire3(); } function rightWing() { noStroke() fill(125, 4, 235); var rw1 = { x: 220, y: 245 }, rw2 = { x: 380, y: 350 }, rw3 = { x: 330, y: 200 }, rw4 = { x: 220, y: 245 }; quad(rw1.x, rw1.y, rw2.x, rw2.y, rw3.x, rw3.y, rw4.x, rw4.y); } function leftWing() { noStroke() fill(125, 4, 235); var lw1 = { x: 180, y: 245 }, lw2 = { x: 20, y: 350 }, lw3 = { x: 70, y: 200 }, lw4 = { x: 180, y: 245 }; quad(lw1.x, lw1.y, lw2.x, lw2.y, lw3.x, lw3.y, lw4.x, lw4.y); } //body function body() { fill(125, 75, 200); noStroke(); strokeWeight(3); // fill(125, 4, 235); var t1 = { x: 220, y: 450 }, t2 = { x: 300, y: 400 }, t3 = { x: 280, y: 380 }, t4 = { x: 300, y: 370 }; quad(t1.x, t1.y, t2.x, t2.y, t3.x, t3.y, t4.x, t4.y); noStroke() fill(125, 75, 200); ellipse(200, 340, 120, 300); noFill(); stroke(125, 4, 235); strokeWeight(3); var scl1 = { x: 175, y: 255, w: 50, h: 20, r: 10, }, scl2 = { x: 170, y: 285, w: 60, h: 20, r: 10, }, scl3 = { x: 165, y: 315, w: 70, h: 20, r: 10, }, scl4 = { x: 160, y: 345, w: 80, h: 20, r: 10, }, scl5 = { x: 165, y: 375, w: 70, h: 20, r: 10, }, scl6 = { x: 170, y: 405, w: 60, h: 20, r: 10, }, scl7 = { x: 175, y: 435, w: 50, h: 20, r: 10, }; rect(scl1.x, scl1.y, scl1.w, scl1.h, scl1.r); rect(scl2.x, scl2.y, scl2.w, scl2.h, scl2.r); rect(scl3.x, scl3.y, scl3.w, scl3.h, scl3.r); rect(scl4.x, scl4.y, scl4.w, scl4.h, scl4.r); rect(scl5.x, scl5.y, scl5.w, scl5.h, scl5.r); rect(scl6.x, scl6.y, scl6.w, scl6.h, scl6.r); rect(scl7.x, scl7.y, scl7.w, scl7.h, scl7.r); //legs noStroke() fill(125, 4, 200); ellipse(180, 490, 35, 60); ellipse(220, 490, 35, 60); //feet fill(125, 75, 200); ellipse(170, 510, 35, 35); ellipse(230, 510, 35, 35); //arms noStroke() fill(125, 4, 200); ellipse(140, 320, 25, 60); ellipse(260, 320, 25, 60); //hands fill(125, 75, 200); ellipse(140, 330, 20, 25); ellipse(260, 330, 20, 25); //head noStroke() fill(125, 4, 200); ellipse(200, 160, 150, 100); //ears fill(125, 4, 200); triangle(155, 130, 195, 130, 180, 75); triangle(210, 130, 250, 130, 225, 75); fill(100, 4, 200); triangle(170, 110, 185, 110, 180, 95); triangle(220, 110, 235, 110, 225, 95); //nose fill(125, 4, 200); //ellipse(200, 200, 70, 60); arc(200, 200, 80, 80, 0, PI, OPEN); fill(0); ellipse(185, 215, 10, 20); ellipse(215, 215, 10, 20); //eyes fill(150); ellipse(175, 155, 20, 30); ellipse(225, 155, 20, 30); fill(0, 255, 165); ellipse(175, 155, 10, 10); ellipse(225, 155, 10, 10); } //smoke function fire1() { fill(255, 100, 40); strokeWeight(15); stroke(255, 100, 40, 0.5); var sml1 = { x: 185, y: 231, h: 15, w: 20 }, smr1 = { x: 215, y: 231, w: 20, h: 15 }; ellipse(sml1.x, sml1.y, sml1.w, sml1.h); ellipse(smr1.x, smr1.y, smr1.w, smr1.h); } function fire2() { fill(255, 100, 40); strokeWeight(15); stroke(255, 100, 40, 0.5); var sml1 = { x: 185, y: 231, h: 15, w: 20 }, sml2 = { x: 180, y: 248, w: 30, h: 20 }, smr1 = { x: 215, y: 231, w: 20, h: 15 }, smr2 = { x: 220, y: 248, w: 30, h: 20 }; ellipse(sml1.x, sml1.y, sml1.w, sml1.h); ellipse(sml2.x, sml2.y, sml2.w, sml2.h); ellipse(smr1.x, smr1.y, smr1.w, smr1.h); ellipse(smr2.x, smr2.y, smr2.w, smr2.h); } function fire3() { fill(255, 100, 40); strokeWeight(15); stroke(255, 100, 40, 0.5); var sml1 = { x: 185, y: 231, h: 15, w: 20 }, sml2 = { x: 180, y: 248, w: 30, h: 20 }, sml3 = { x: 170, y: 272, w: 40, h: 30 }, smr1 = { x: 215, y: 231, w: 20, h: 15 }, smr2 = { x: 220, y: 248, w: 30, h: 20 }, smr3 = { x: 230, y: 272, w: 40, h: 30 }; ellipse(sml1.x, sml1.y, sml1.w, sml1.h); ellipse(sml2.x, sml2.y, sml2.w, sml2.h); ellipse(sml3.x, sml3.y, sml3.w, sml3.h); ellipse(smr1.x, smr1.y, smr1.w, smr1.h); ellipse(smr2.x, smr2.y, smr2.w, smr2.h); ellipse(smr3.x, smr3.y, smr3.w, smr3.h); } function cloud(x, y, size) { fill(255, 255, 255); noStroke(); arc(x, y, 25 * size, 20 * size, PI + TWO_PI, TWO_PI); arc(x + 10, y, 25 * size, 45 * size, PI + TWO_PI, TWO_PI); arc(x + 25, y, 25 * size, 35 * size, PI + TWO_PI, TWO_PI); arc(x + 40, y, 30 * size, 20 * size, PI + TWO_PI, TWO_PI); } function mousePressed() { var newCloud = { xpos: mouseX, ypos: mouseY, size: random(0.5, 5) }; clouds.push(newCloud); }
Old code below…
var clouds = [];
// var breath = [];
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 600);
colorMode(RGB, 255, 255, 255, 1);
function draw() {
background(random(255), 255, 255);
// display
for (i = 0; i < clouds.length; i++) {
var currentObj = clouds[i];
cloud(currentObj.xpos, currentObj.ypos, currentObj.size);
currentObj.xpos += 0.5;
currentObj.ypos += random(-0.5, 0.5);
if (clouds[i].xpos > width + 20) {
clouds.splice(i, 1);
fill(125, 75, 200);
stroke(125, 4, 200);
quad(220, 450, 300, 400, 280, 380, 300, 370, 270, 370);
// Right_Wing
fill(125, 4, 235);
var pr1 = {
x: 220,
y: 245
pr2 = {
x: 380,
y: 350
var pr3 = {
x: 330,
y: 200
pr4 = {
x: 220,
y: 245
quad(pr1.x, pr1.y, pr2.x, pr2.y, pr3.x, pr3.y, pr4.x, pr4.y);
// Left_Wing
fill(125, 4, 235);
var pl1 = {
x: 180,
y: 245
pl2 = {
x: 20,
y: 350
var pl3 = {
x: 70,
y: 200
pl4 = {
x: 180,
y: 245
quad(pl1.x, pl1.y, pl2.x, pl2.y, pl3.x, pl3.y, pl4.x, pl4.y);
fill(125, 75, 200);
ellipse(200, 340, 120, 300);
stroke(125, 4, 235);
rect(175, 255, 50, 20, 10);
rect(170, 285, 60, 20, 10);
rect(165, 315, 70, 20, 10);
rect(160, 345, 80, 20, 10);
rect(165, 375, 70, 20, 10);
rect(170, 405, 60, 20, 10);
rect(175, 435, 50, 20, 10);
fill(125, 4, 200);
ellipse(180, 490, 35, 60);
ellipse(220, 490, 35, 60);
fill(125, 75, 200);
ellipse(170, 510, 35, 35);
ellipse(230, 510, 35, 35);
fill(125, 4, 200);
ellipse(140, 320, 25, 60);
ellipse(260, 320, 25, 60);
fill(125, 75, 200);
ellipse(140, 330, 20, 25);
ellipse(260, 330, 20, 25);
fill(125, 4, 200);
ellipse(200, 160, 150, 100);
fill(125, 4, 200);
triangle(155, 130, 195, 130, 180, 75);
triangle(210, 130, 250, 130, 225, 75);
fill(100, 4, 200);
triangle(170, 110, 185, 110, 180, 95);
triangle(220, 110, 235, 110, 225, 95);
fill(125, 4, 200);
//ellipse(200, 200, 70, 60);
arc(200, 200, 80, 80, 0, PI, OPEN);
ellipse(185, 215, 10, 20);
ellipse(215, 215, 10, 20);
ellipse(175, 155, 20, 30);
ellipse(225, 155, 20, 30);
fill(0, 255, 165);
ellipse(175, 155, 10, 10);
ellipse(225, 155, 10, 10);
fill(255, 100, 40);
stroke(255, 100, 40, .5);
ellipse(185, 231, 20, 15);
ellipse(180, 248, 30, 20);
ellipse(170, 272, 40, 30);
ellipse(215, 231, 20, 15);
ellipse(220, 248, 30, 20);
ellipse(230, 272, 40, 30);
function cloud(x, y, size) {
fill(255, 255, 255);
arc(x, y, 25 * size, 20 * size, PI + TWO_PI, TWO_PI);
arc(x + 10, y, 25 * size, 45 * size, PI + TWO_PI, TWO_PI);
arc(x + 25, y, 25 * size, 35 * size, PI + TWO_PI, TWO_PI);
arc(x + 40, y, 30 * size, 20 * size, PI + TWO_PI, TWO_PI);
function mousePressed() {
var newCloud = {
xpos: mouseX,
ypos: mouseY,
size: random(0.5, 5)
var fireBreath = {
xpos: mouseX,
ypos: mouseY,